Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Days passed quickly again... like usual.. now its already Wednesday.. 2 more days of school holidays before the start of the next semester.. kinda look forward to school.. its so boring to stay at home... the only time, apart from the period when Lucius came for visit, that I went out will be to go for gym... enjoyed going to gym... felt great after each sweat-out sessions..

Anyway, 2 more days to the release of exams results.... so nervous.. scared too.... hopefully Nic n I can both do very well for our papers... and at least to be able to pass all the units....

By the way, I started on my first part-time job on Monday afternoon... at Nic's workplace as an administrative position... not too bad.. what most important is the $$... I need $$.. hahaha.... and the good news is that Janice's boss from Video Ezy called me just now... asked me to go for the training session this saturday! yay!!! finally found myself a job... so happy.. hahaha... lalala..... :)

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