Everyday without fail, from 9pm - 12am, there will be a 'Fire' Alarm that goes off from there every hourly. Its really an amazing experience initially. But as days goes by, this Alarm is really kind of irritating, because each fire will be accompanied by a loud sound that resembles a mini-explosion. =p
Nevertheless, this alarm does serve its purpose of 'reporting' the time to us, as upon hearing the first 'explosion' we will know that its 9pm already. haha...
hi Stella,
you are lucky the alarm goes off only 9pm. When we were in Perth 2001, the alarm in the apartment we were staying went off 5.30am while we were soundly in bed. i have to dig up Jeff and Max (4 and 3 years old then) and grabbed the bag with $, passports & travel docs + 2 blankets and ran 6 floor down to the basement car park for assembly, only to realise that alarm was caused by a water sprinkle leakage. :( what an experience.
haha.. this 'Fire' alarm isn't really a fire alarm, but just some fire-sprouting pole that is located in front of the crown casino and they goes off every hourly starting 9pm daily.. anyway in my later post, we actually experienced the real fire alarm in the apartment. haha.. but luckily they are not in the morning. =)
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