Day 1 (Sat - 29 Nov 2008):
We departed Melbourne at 7.30pm, and drove 3 hours to Lakes Entrance (the first long-distance drive in our Skyline)... We arrived at Lakes at about 10.40pm. Our initial plan for the night was to have BBQ, but when we reached there, the BBQ that Lazz has over at the Lakes was ruin by the the mud-slide which was probably due to the heavy rain some days ago. So we just prepared something simple as our dinner (or rather supper)...
Day 2 (Sun - 30 Nov 2008):
We attended Mass at 9am. After which we went over to Lazz's aunt's place to drop off some stuff. In the noon, we went for a fishing trip at the Tambo River. Prior to the fishing trip, Nic & I had a quick 'course' with Lazz on how to prepare the rod and tie the hook to the fishing line. Apparently the weather was too windy to fish in the ocean, thus we got to settle ourselves at Tambo River which is the next best alternative to the ocean. We casted out fishing line and waited for quite some time. We almost wanted to give up and go to another spot when the other people who were fishing near us came to share with us their fishing achievements. They managed to catch a few big breams and a carp, which they had to discard it at the side as it is a pest fish and is illegal to keep the carp. Upon seeing their catch, we decided to stay on. After a while, we got our first bite - a small bream. :)
We caught a total of 3 breams for the day.
After fishing, we returned back to the house and pick up the stuff for crabbing. We went to the pier and tried crabbing for an hour, but no catch. Seeing that the sky is turning dark, we decided to head back to prepare for the BBQ.
For dinner, we had pasta prepared by Deanne, BBQ sausages, beef, chicken and the fishes that we caught, and a bottle of red wine.
After dinner, everyone else rested on the sofa and doze off, while I had an icy shower (cos the hot water has been used up), and watched the Bee Movie before going to sleep.
Day 3 (Mon - 1 Dec 2008):
The initial plan was to head back to Melbourne in the evening, but in the end we postponed our return to the next day instead.
As we still have some leftovers from the previous night's BBQ, we invited Lazz's aunt and uncle for lunch. After lunch, we decided to go for more fishing. This time round, we managed to catch 11 Breams and 5 eels. As no one knew how to prepare eels, we gave some to Lazz's uncle and released the rest. We spent a total of 5 hours fishing.
We had pizza for dinner. That night, we planned to watch the horror movie - Dead Silence together, but end up I was the only one who was awake to finish the movie. Was a bit disturbed by some of the scenes, hence decided to play another movie to get those scary images away from my mind before going to bed.
Day 4 (Tue - 2 Dec 2008):
We woke up at about 5.30am and did our packing and cleaning, and left the house at 7am. Drove for another 3 hours before arriving at Melbourne. Lazz and Deanne got to head for work, while Nic and I came home to rest.
We might be going up again to spend the new year, hopefully by then the weather will be good and we can fish more and get some tan.. :)
Last night, we went over to Lazz's place to feast on the fishes that we caught on Monday. Deanne prepared some using her style, and we prepared one fish using the sambal paste that was given to us by Tania.
Few more hours before results are released. So anxious... pray that I can get satisfied results... :S
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