Saturday, December 1, 2007

1 week and 4 days without Nic... 60 more days...

Haven't been doing much for the past few days (after my last blog)... my weekly routine is just to go gym, school, and maybe meet up with a few friends.... So far, had managed to catch up with Selene and friends on Thursday for a dinner at New York New York (Citylink Branch)...

During the week, I went for a haircut too... planning to curl my hair when they are much longer... probably got to wait for another year ba... :)

Today, I am going to JB to do a bit of things... but mainly is to go for an eyebrow embroidery. When I told my parents, they were so against the idea, saying that only ah-lians will do that, but I have seen very nice results on Janice and Elaine, and I don't feel that they are lians at all, so I will just go for it.. hopefully the end results are good.... hehe.... that will save me alot of time the next time I go out, at least I won't have to bother to draw my brows already.... :)

1 comment:

Maria said...

Hi, I'm interested in eyebrow embroidery. I'll be in the city tomorrow so was wondering if you could suggest a few places/people to go. Also, do you know how much it costs? Thanks!
Regards, Maria from DC