
Ok to begin.....
Today is the first day of the end of my working life. Life has never felt so good and relaxing for the past 2 years, where I can wake up late and to do things I want to without worrying about time. keke.. =p
However, today I did not sleep late though.. due to the excessive eating during the weekends, I made myself wake up at 9.30am to go for a jog around Simei estate.. (having to sleep only at 4am the previous night)... but was still glad that I did not give up the idea of running last minute.. haha...
After which, Nic and I made a trip to IDP to meet up with Ruth from Deakin University for a short interview session. We also went back to office to run some errands, and was very touched when all the colleagues presented my farewell gift (thanks everyone.. you guys shouldn't have)... it was a very nice white Casio watch.. really very nice.. haha.. something I have always wanted, a white watch.. so thanks guys!!!
After the pleasant surprise, we went to Plaza Singapura to shop for some necessities (underwears!).. haha.. and we managed to get some good ones at quite a cheap deal due to the John Little sale.. =p
Today again was a rainy day.. sleepy after a long day's walk.. haha.... so we went back to catch a nap before meeting up with Esmund and friends to have dinner. Actually planned to have steamboat dinner, but as the menu wasn't that attractive, we decided to have sushi buffet ... (sign) there goes my morning run... =(
ok, seems like my blogging skills are still very unpolished.. hope readers don't mind my poor and boring naration.. I will definitely brush up my skills.. haha.. so till then, i will keep updating my blog with the exciting encounters in Australia... so do look out ok...
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