Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Something inspirational~~ Life is like a Busstop?!

Suddenly thought of this when I took a bus home earlier:

Life is like a busstop

Don't you find this saying so familiar? But do you actually ponder what this phrase means? Taking it literally, a busstop is where people wait for the bus that they plan to take to embark on a journey to a destination which they aimed to go. So how can we apply this phrase in our daily life?


Look at it this way... The destination of our aim could be our career life, our relationship or anything that we planned to do. And what usually happens at a busstop? Well buses come and go, and we jolly well know in mind what kind (or rather number) of bus we want to take (just like our ideal job/partner). So when one crowded, old and non-airconditioned comes along we would often decide to wait for a 'better' one and thus waited. We always have the thought that the next bus will always be 'better', just like the other saying goes "the pasture will always be greener the other side".. but how certain are we to say that? Can we 'predict' what lies ahead of us? Can we be certain that the ideal one will definitely come into our life? Be it the ideal job or the ideal man... We must stop complaining and be contented with what we already have. Say for example, a worker will always complain that working at a particular company is tough and unbearable, thus decide to quit and seek another job. Another example will be a husband/wife complaining that their other half is not good enough, always comparing him/her with someone else's partner or some character in a movie, worse still, living in the past of their own life and compare their current partner with their previous one. Ironic isn't it? In the first place if the previous one was so good, why bother to change? But that's human.. that's how we will always think. In a way its good as it helps us to improve ourself by wanting to become better.. but at the same time, being so unappreciative/discontented in life will often cause us to bring hurt to others.

Back to the busstop.. So when a 'lousy' bus comes along, we thought we would definitely get a better if we wait for the next bus.. and the next bus.. and the next bus... and by the time the better one doesn't come, we are too pressed for time that we just have to board anyone that comes along.. even if its an even lousier one... Come to think of it, don't you think that this scenario is also applicable to relationship/career? Example, say we decided to leave our current partner in search for a better one (or to be with another one which we think is better), and when the better one doesn't come along, getting older and older.. and when time is running out, when we are pressured by people around us to settle down, we just got to settle with any one that comes along the way even if they are worse off than the one we left. Same goes for career. We leave the current job thinking that we can find a better one but not knowing there will never be a better one as we are always greedy and not satisfied. So when such things happen, we tend to regret... yes, the word is REGRET!. We often look back to think that why didn't we this why didn't we that.. but have you ever thought of it in the first place, why can't you just be more appreciative and contented with what you have? If you have made the decision to stick to what you already have and bend yourself to make sure that things go the smooth way, then you could also be satisfied and be happy.

Life is always about decision making. We can choose to decide what we want to be, who we want to be. We can choose to love, we can choose to bring hurt... what do you choose then?

Remember, life is never smooth sailing.. its through set backs that make us stronger.. its through the decisions we made that make us what we are. A marriage can be a happy one if we decide to make it one.. A job can be fulfilling and satisfying if we decide to appreciate and see meaning in what we are doing.

So the morale of the story:

"Make the right decision, be appreciative and thankful to what we have, and be contented..."
"The pasture is NOT always greener at the other side"
"The sky is NOT always brighter at the other part of the world"
"Life is full of uncertainties... so why not choose to be certain about it with what we are already certain of?"
"Sustaining a marriage is about decision making, not about feelings"
"Enjoying a piece of work is about understanding and knowing the meaning to it"
"If there is a will, there will always be a way"

In my case, I have made my decision and I am happy with it! :)
