The Starry World
My life journey since 2007. Studies in Australia (Melbourne), getting married and starting a new family. Everything has gone so well so far. Thank God for all the beautiful things He has given to me.
Monday, October 29, 2012
So now I am just wondering, what is a good parenting method? One that will make her listen and not do the wrong things.
To be honest, I am struggling within myself. I do not know if beating her will be an effective method especially since she is so stubborn. But then again, if I do not beat her, how else can I let her know the seriousness of my words? I have read alot of parenting links online and found that all of them seems to be saying beating is not the best method. Most website discourages beating. Well, if possible I would also not want to beat her. But sometimes it's so hard to control my anger (perhaps I should go for some anger management course).
Just the weekend that passed, I have already beaten her a few times: once for not eating and throwing tantrum when we don't give her the French fries she wanted; once for not eating and spitting out the food that's in her mouth (which she is most probably doing it deliberately); and once for not wanting to take her medication and spitted out all of them. Actually, looking at these incidents, I think the only issue that I have with her is her poor eating habits! Gosh, i guess it's time for me to stop feeding her!
I really feel sorry everytime I beat her, and I know I shouldn't have. But how else can I teach her not to spit out her food and to eat properly? Big sigh! Perhaps i really should let go and let her be. Probably she will know what's the best for herself?
Anyway this post is just for ranting purpose. Hopefully the next time when I read this post, I can say that I have managed to control my anger.
Monday, April 4, 2011
The birth story of Natasha Lee Ya Qi
How it began..
It was about 2am in the morning and I still can't seem to fall asleep. Been tossing and turning around in bed and baby seemed to be moving alot inside me. Felt a little crampy but not pain. So just wondering to myself if its time. Suddenly, I felt something weird "down there" and decided to get up and go to the toilet. Just as I stood up, I felt a gush of water flowing out, hence I knew its time.
Not panicking (although I felt abit excited), I went to relieve myself before waking Nic up from his sleep. After that, I took a quick shower and we took the hospital bag and called for a taxi. Nic made me a cup of hot milo while we waited for the taxi to arrive.
Upon arrival of the taxi, we headed to the hospital. Thank God that it was in the middle of the night, hence there was no traffic and the journey was smooth. In the taxi, Nic started sending out SMSes to friends and relatives to inform them that action is about to begin.
We arrived at the hospital at about 2.45am, and headed straight to the delivery suite. There I was brought to the observation ward where the nurse gave me a robe to change into. After changing into the delivery robe, the nurse did an examination on me and found that I was already 2cm dilated. She then proceed to strap me on the monitor to monitor the baby's heart rate as well as the contraction.
The contraction pain was not that bad in the inital stage. I managed to adopt the deep breathing method to ease myself during contractions. I can only describe the pain as that of menstural cramps. At about 8.45am, Doctor Joycelyn Wong came to did an examination on me and told me that I was 4 to 5 cm dilated. As my cervix did not dilate at the rate of 1cm/hr, Dr Wong suggested that I should be put on a drip to quicken the contractions, otherwise I might have a longer labour. As such, I was put on a drip. Shortly after, at about 9+am, I could felt that the pain was getting intense. At this point, I could no longer smile or talk. Nic has been a great support all these while. He tried to comfort me by talking to me and also offered to massage me.
At about 10.30am, the pain was getting unbearable. I started to moan out loud, at the same time, holding on to the bed rail and lying on my side. Shortly after, a nurse came and told us that she will be pushing me to the birthing ward. After I was in the birthing ward, she examined me and said that I was already 9cm dilated. 1cm more to go before I can start pushing. However the pain was really excruciating. No words to describe the pain. All I knew was I was screaming whenever the contraction kicks in. The nurse, saw me in such a pain, offered me to use the gas as a pain relief. Initially I was reluctant as I have heard of side effects, however I decided to just give it a try. Whenever the contraction starts, I just kept breathing heavily through the gas mask. Although I can still feel the exact amount of pain, but the gas made me feel high and I didn't struggle that much.
It came to a point when I suddenly have the urge to push. So Nic called out to the nurse to inform her. At first, the nurse said I wasn't ready as I was only still 9cm, however shortly after, they gave me the "permission" to push. The nurses also place my legs in a wide open position and told me to grab onto my thighs whenever I push. At about 11+am, I started pushing. When the baby's head was crowned, the nurse asked me to not to push so hard. So I did the 'breathe in and pant' method to prevent myself from pushing the baby out before Dr Wong arrives. At the interval of each contractions, I breathed through the gas mask to relax.
Soon after, Dr Wong arrived at the birthing ward. I was then told to push hard. I did a total of 6 pushes (3 contractions) before my baby is born. The time was 11.59am.
Straight after the baby was out, Dr Wong placed her on me. She was wailing and her body felt so warm. At that moment, all the pain that I felt was gone. All I could think of was the baby and I thank God for giving me a healthy and beautiful baby. The nurses then brought Nic and the baby out for a clean up and also to take her measurements. She weighs 2.725kg, with the head measuring 32cm and length being 48cm.
Friday, January 14, 2011
What should be done?
What should I do??
I hope God can give me some enlightenment on this soon.
Meanwhile I should just relax and eat more to grow my baby!
My poor baby is still underweight as of the last scan. Next scan will be next Thursday, which I hope by then my baby will have grown much more.
Go Baby Go!!!!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
The wonderful journey of pregnancy so far
First trimester:

(Baby @ 5 and 6 weeks - left to right)
(Baby @ 7 and 8 week - left to right)

(Baby @ week 9 and10 - left to right)

(Video of a scan when baby is 12 weeks old)
Second trimester:
The second trimester went past smoothly. Everything went well and because it happened during the peak period of my work, I didn't really do much during those 12 weeks except working. And because its already the second trimester, we only visited the doctor once a month. We also did a detailed scan when baby was 20 weeks old. Results were positive. During my 24th week visit, doctor noticed that the baby was a little underweight (based on the estimation of the tummy size) and hence she told me to eat more carbo and meat. But nothing worrying since baby is actively moving inside me.
Here's somemore scans and video of our little princess till she is 28 weeks old:
(Baby @ 12 and 16 weeks - left to right)
(Baby @ 24 and 28 weeks - left to right)
Currently, I am in my third trimester. Been feeling her movements inside me alot, especially in the morning and and night. She probably sleeps during the day. Hopefully she won't become a night owl after she is born. :) Feeling her movements is the best part of the pregnancy, as this is when we know and can tell that she is healthy and active. So really thank God for this wonderful gift and for keeping her safe and sound all these while.
The next thing to look forward to will be the labour day itself. Although I have been watching many shows and hearing alot of stories about delivery, but I suppose nothing will be as real as experiencing it myself. And since young, I have always wanted to find out the level of pain the labour provides, therefore I am opting for natural delivery without epidural. I have always thought that I have a high level of threshold for pain, so let's see if its true. But I have been telling myself that as long as the baby is alright (i.e. not jeapordising the safety of the baby), I will strive to endure all the way. Anyway, will leave everything to God and pray for his blessing during the L-day itself.
Oh, forget to mention, we have also thought of a name for our little princess. Her name shall be Aleisha Lee Ya Qi. :))
We love her so much!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
2 weeks of good news, 1 week of bedrest... Will it be a GO or a NO?
We didnt managed to get an appointment with the doctor till 2nd August 2010. Till then, everyday was a worry for me. Being a worry freak, I worry about every possibility of a bad event happening, which in this case was being worried about the test result being false, worried about the pregnancy being an abnormal one, and etc. Just worry. My mind was only rested after the first doctor's visit.
During the first doctor's visit, we did an ultrasound scan to see for ourselves if we are really having this baby and also to get the EDD (estimated delivery date) for the baby. When our gynae showed us the waterbag and the little blinking light inside the waterbag (which is the heartbeat), we were elated. No words to describe that kind of happiness, but we definitely are looking forward to becoming parents to this baby.
Everything went well for the next few days. I had no morning sickness and no other discomfort except for some mild cramps which the gynae said was normal. However, on the morning of 7 August 2010, I woke up and felt some fluid trickled out from the V. Thinking that it would be just normal discharge, but no, it wasn't. I saw blood, not alot, perhaps I would describe it as a drop of blood. Of course seeing blood is not something normal, especially not red fresh blood. So immediately, I called my gynae and made an appointment to see her. Nic was out for soccer then, so I quickly called him to tell him the situation. At the same time, I was praying very very hard that it would not be anything serious.
Our second visit to the gynae was on 7 August 2010. She did a scan again to make sure that there's nothing wrong. This time, we still saw the heartbeat (thank God!) but when we scanned further to get the rate of the heartbeat and the size of the baby, apparently the results wasn't positive. The rate of a normal baby's heartbeat should range from 150bpm, however mine was only at 100bpm, and the size of the baby wasn't ideal too. At these results, we were all worried. The gynae explained to us the possibility of having a miscarriage but also told us to keep our hopes high as long as there is still a heartbeat. She then gave me a week's MC to stay at home and rest, and also a hormones jab.
Now, its only 2 days left before we get to see her again on 14 August 2010. Hopefully the baby's heart is still beating and the size of the baby can grow to at least 12mm.
I pray that my baby will be strong and healthy. We really want this baby to be a part of our family.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
10 months of planning, 6 days more to go...
Anyway, perhaps just to note down what happened during the wedding preparation phase:
1. Bridal shop hunting
Luckily this was done way before. Settled on Volans Couture (don't ask me why), and till date I am still not 100% pleased with my choice of bridal boutique. But as I have always believed, things happened for a reason, and perhaps the reason of my choice of Volans is so that I got a chance to be a model for a day as they have chosen me to model for their gowns. But then, I don't think they are really satisfied with the photos in the end cos I did not personally see them displaying my photos in albums to show their customers. *disappointed* But again, this is a good experience and in return, I got to be dolled up once more and gotten 8 more photos from them for free to add into my own bridal album. So perhaps its not that bad afterall. Plus I still do really like their make up artist, Vivian. Anyway, I guess God will definitely bless me with a good choice (even if I cannot see it now.)
2. Videographer
We ended up using Sean & Shyan Videography. Well, the main reason we chose them was because they are within our budget (unlike those professional ones, they really cost a bomb), and they are really quite experienced. These 2 videographers are still uni students, studying filming I suppose. But they have got good creativity and they are really nice people to work with. Just today we had our pre-wedding video shooting. It was quite fun and I guess Nic and I both enjoyed the whole process. And thanks to Sean and Shyan, we managed to get some ideas and constructive feedbacks from them, and hence I believe this video clip should turn out great. So now just waiting to see the final product!
3. Photographer
We are using Teng Ngan, the same photographer who did for Kor and Jie's wedding back in 2005. And of course, we got a 'friendship' quote from him. Plus he was quite good back then, so I suppose he should be better by now. ;p
4. Hotel for Wedding Banquet
We chose Meritus Mandarin to hold our wedding banquet. One of the main reason is because we know the director of catering in the hotel. And that being so, obviously we got a good deal out of it (not disclosing it now). We went for the food tasting, though we ended up making quite a number of comments, but overall the food still taste good. We will be swopping some dishes, and the food tasting will be held on the coming Monday. So hopefully everyone will be satisfied with the dishes and we can have a great dinner!
5. Wedding bands
We have 'custom-made' our ring from this factory called Poh Kim. And apart from the wedding bands, I gained an Eternity ring (with 0.02 carat diamonds) and a Solitiare (0.65 carat, F colour, VS2). *very happy* :D
6. Brothers and Sisters
We managed to gather 5 brothers and 5 sisters for the wedding.
Brother gang: Gerald Low, Gerald Ying, Jelvin Soh, Yap TX and Peter Zhong
Sister gang: Janice Chan, Linda Tan, Elaine Chua, Sonia Yang and Fiona Qiu
And fyi, I believe this is the only wedding where all the brothers and all the sisters are so good looking! *wooohoooo*
Anyway, they have been cooperative so far. Apart from the fact that its rather hard to gather everyone together for meetings, but each brother and sister have really been very helpful and supportive towards us. So really appreciate their help.
So having said the above, I believe though we have not really put in 100% effort from the beginning, but I do think (and believe) that God has blessed us with wonderful people and wonderful decisions.
Now we just pray that everything will turn out perfect and we can live happily ever after! ;p
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Something inspirational~~ Life is like a Busstop?!
Life is like a busstop
Don't you find this saying so familiar? But do you actually ponder what this phrase means? Taking it literally, a busstop is where people wait for the bus that they plan to take to embark on a journey to a destination which they aimed to go. So how can we apply this phrase in our daily life?
Look at it this way... The destination of our aim could be our career life, our relationship or anything that we planned to do. And what usually happens at a busstop? Well buses come and go, and we jolly well know in mind what kind (or rather number) of bus we want to take (just like our ideal job/partner). So when one crowded, old and non-airconditioned comes along we would often decide to wait for a 'better' one and thus waited. We always have the thought that the next bus will always be 'better', just like the other saying goes "the pasture will always be greener the other side".. but how certain are we to say that? Can we 'predict' what lies ahead of us? Can we be certain that the ideal one will definitely come into our life? Be it the ideal job or the ideal man... We must stop complaining and be contented with what we already have. Say for example, a worker will always complain that working at a particular company is tough and unbearable, thus decide to quit and seek another job. Another example will be a husband/wife complaining that their other half is not good enough, always comparing him/her with someone else's partner or some character in a movie, worse still, living in the past of their own life and compare their current partner with their previous one. Ironic isn't it? In the first place if the previous one was so good, why bother to change? But that's human.. that's how we will always think. In a way its good as it helps us to improve ourself by wanting to become better.. but at the same time, being so unappreciative/discontented in life will often cause us to bring hurt to others.
Back to the busstop.. So when a 'lousy' bus comes along, we thought we would definitely get a better if we wait for the next bus.. and the next bus.. and the next bus... and by the time the better one doesn't come, we are too pressed for time that we just have to board anyone that comes along.. even if its an even lousier one... Come to think of it, don't you think that this scenario is also applicable to relationship/career? Example, say we decided to leave our current partner in search for a better one (or to be with another one which we think is better), and when the better one doesn't come along, getting older and older.. and when time is running out, when we are pressured by people around us to settle down, we just got to settle with any one that comes along the way even if they are worse off than the one we left. Same goes for career. We leave the current job thinking that we can find a better one but not knowing there will never be a better one as we are always greedy and not satisfied. So when such things happen, we tend to regret... yes, the word is REGRET!. We often look back to think that why didn't we this why didn't we that.. but have you ever thought of it in the first place, why can't you just be more appreciative and contented with what you have? If you have made the decision to stick to what you already have and bend yourself to make sure that things go the smooth way, then you could also be satisfied and be happy.
Life is always about decision making. We can choose to decide what we want to be, who we want to be. We can choose to love, we can choose to bring hurt... what do you choose then?
Remember, life is never smooth sailing.. its through set backs that make us stronger.. its through the decisions we made that make us what we are. A marriage can be a happy one if we decide to make it one.. A job can be fulfilling and satisfying if we decide to appreciate and see meaning in what we are doing.
So the morale of the story:
"Make the right decision, be appreciative and thankful to what we have, and be contented..."
"The pasture is NOT always greener at the other side"
"The sky is NOT always brighter at the other part of the world"
"Life is full of uncertainties... so why not choose to be certain about it with what we are already certain of?"
"Sustaining a marriage is about decision making, not about feelings"
"Enjoying a piece of work is about understanding and knowing the meaning to it"
"If there is a will, there will always be a way"
In my case, I have made my decision and I am happy with it! :)